Prediction of the number of terminals connected to the network
In particular, the number of IoT devices connected to the network increases sharply.

Importance of wireless sensor network in IoT
Many methods called LPWA (Low Power Wide Area) have been proposed as a method for wirelessly transferring IoT sensor data, but what are the specific differences, what are the features, and can you really do what you want to do with the application? Isn’t it difficult to understand? IoT system in a word, the requirements are different in various fields such as monitoring of agriculture, forestry and fisheries, disaster prevention / reduction system, medical / nursing care support system, monitoring system, smart city, etc. I want to be able to select the best system from the user’s perspective.

Smart IoT Acceleration Forum Testbed Subcommittee
The “Smart IoT Acceleration Forum Testbed Subcommittee” under the “IoT Promotion Consortium” promoted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the YRP R&D Promotion Committee WSN Promotion Committee do not depend on a specific vendor. We are promoting the creation of an environment where each LPWA method can be evaluated from a public standpoint and from a general IoT user perspective.